by Jerry Tsatro Mordy
Senior High Schools in the three northern regions have delayed reopening indefinitely, JoyNews has learnt.
The three regions together have a total of 72 Senior High Schools that are managed by the Ghana Education Service.
The Heads say government’s failure to reimburse the outstanding feeding grants for four academic calendars, necessitated the action because they were hugely indebted to their suppliers.
JoyNews Correspondent Hasmin Mohammed reported Tuesday, May 9, 2017, that the schools were scheduled to reopen next week May 16, but the School Heads say they are not in the position to feed the students if the feeding grants are not released.
They have therefore postponed indefinitely, the reopening date for all senior high schools in the Upper East, Upper West and the Northern Regions.
"Some of the Heads tell me their creditors are no longer willing to supply them with food items", Hashmin told Israel Laeyea, anchor of the Joy Midday News.
In June 2016, students at High schools in the northern part of the country were sent home due to government’s delay in releasing feeding grants.
The students were sent home under the guise of paving way for the Basic Education Certificate Examination (BECE) to commence but were told not to return until their feeding grants were paid by the government.
Meanwhile, the Conference of Heads of Assisted Secondary Schools (CHASS) is helpless as to what to do to manage the situation.
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